heres a bunch of random stuff i like. my gifypet is at the bottom of the list if you would just like to see him, haha
(totally lookin at that pro version.. i use it enough to consider spending 50 bucks on a better version ((update- i totally did)) )
fuck up your text for the price of free
make a music file more wubby in one way or another
mash up songs to make a whole new bop
bad time with sans without having to kill everyone first, haha
make something get pet pet
to make ur website look old (like i want to do kek)
can be rediculously funny
the archive of my old vine account
writing a story that involves terrible injuries to torture your traumatized characters even more? well at least make it realistic
good starting questions when developing a character
good for keeping track of the specifics of your characters and your universes
i use this for when i develop made up words for species, words, names, etc. so they can at least have a rough meaning to them
can help with your color variation